Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School will be held June 20-22nd! We are very excited to be offering “Love in a Big World”, a character education movement that provides social and emotional learning to help kids develop positive behaviors that will empower them in everyday life. In addition, we’ll be having the kids join us for breakfast, so it is one less thing for parents to worry about during the sometimes chaotic summer break.

Registration is open to children ages 4 thru 11! You can get a registration form in the hallway outside the church office or download one here. You can also contact the church office with any questions: 636-586-2472. Love in a Big World will begin each day at 8 AM and we’ll finish up at about 11:30 AM.

Vacation Bible School will conclude with a concert on the front porch of the church and will include songs the children have learned, along with songs by other musicians. The front porch event will be held on Friday evening (June 22) at 7 PM, followed by an ice cream social.

If you’d like to volunteer to help with VBS, please let Melissa or Pastor David know.