Welcoming the New Pastor

A card or letter can be sent to the new pastor to welcome him to De Soto. Contact information is:

David and Barbara Duncan
209 Cedar St.
Perryville, MO 63775
Email: dbduncan1980@gmail.com
Cell: 816-676-8826

As a congregation, we can help David get off to a strong start  by helping him acclimate and making him feel truly welcome. Here are some starters:

  • Begin praying daily for the Duncan family, even as you continue to pray for the Payne family.
  • Say goodbye to Pastor Darlene in a healthy way; we have an opportunity to show love, thanks, regard, and grief on Sunday, June 4th.
  • Help work on the improvements to the parsonage prior to the Duncan’s arrival. Ask a trustee how you can help.
  • Help clean the pastor’s office at church.
  • Stock the parsonage pantry and fridge in late June. You can talk to Lee Mahn if you’d like to coordinate the effort to do this.
  • Introduce yourself to the new pastor…repeatedly. You have to learn one name. He has to learn many names. You can even wear a nametag if you’d like.
  • Invite the Duncan family to attend community events and meetings with you and your family.