Week Two Prayer Guide for Night to Shine


Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Colossians 3:23-24


Sunday (1/21): Prom night is in less than 3 weeks! There are so many details to coordinate between now and then, and it can be Overwhelming at times. Please pray for peace and that all the pieces will fall in place for this special night, according to God’s will.

Monday (1/22): Please pray for creativity and wisdom in the planning process. There are many decisions to be made regarding flow, timing, decorating, supplies and a myriad of other things! Please pray for discernment in the scheduling and organization of all the plans.

Tuesday (1/23): Hosting a prom is a big job and can be exhausting at times. Please pray that everyone involved in planning Night to Shine would find their strength in Christ, resting and abiding in Him. Also,
please pray for protection from spiritual attack for all aspects of Night to Shine.

Wednesday (1/24): It is said that many hands make light work…which is true. But at times, lots of different personalities working together on a project can also lead to conflict. Please pray that all Night to Shine teams would experience supernatural unity and harmony, and that they would sharpen each other to become more like Christ through this process.


Thursday (1/25): Each vendor, business, sponsor, and media outlet is bringing something unique to the table, and for some, there are a lot of details and timing to coordinate. Please pray that everything would go smoothly as they gather supplies, and accurately promote Night to Shine. Pray that they would have generous hearts, and that each Night to Shine prom and church would have favor in the community.

Friday (1/26): God has given each person different gifts and expertise. Please pray that God would guide the minds of those involved and give them creativity as they plan how to make things special for each honored guest. Also, pray that God would guide the hands of the vendors as they prepare, set up, and serve with their unique gifts.

Saturday (1/27): Please pray for those who are supporting or donating out of the kindness of their hearts, but have never come to a knowledge of the truth. Pray that they would come to know Jesus as their Savior through their exposure to this event and their interactions with the body of Christ.