Participating in Worship

It takes many people to make worship a wonderful experience, and, if so called, you can do more than just fill a pew on Sundays. Please consider the opportunity to volunteer this quarter to be liturgist, a Communion steward, or fellowship host.  As individuals, we have different talents. You can play a part in fulfilling our Sunday service by being liturgist. There is still an opening for January 28th, which is quickly approaching.

You can also host fellowship time, which is easy. You are not expected to bake since there are packaged cookies to set out at church if you prefer.  You can get coffee-making instructions from most anyone who has worked in the kitchen.  Ask a friend to assist you.

The sheets are posted on the bulletin board next to Pastor’s office.  Please contribute some of your talents to St. Andrew’s.  Working together completes each Sunday service and fellowship time.  I always appreciate all of our volunteers.

In Christ’s Love,  Terry Neckermann