Collecting Rummage Sale Items

We are gearing up to begin collection of your items for our church wide spring rummage sale. We will begin collecting in March with the sale being held this year the mornings of April 20 and 21. That is a Friday and Saturday. Over the past few years, this has become a worthwhile mission for our members and has fortunately resulted in many bargain buys for our community. So it’s a win win since what we take in goes out again to the greater good of the people. We do tend to steer away from large pieces of furniture and electronics as the storage can become difficult, but other than that, most items and clothing are welcome.

We are sincerely grateful for your continued support with this outreach into the community. If you would happen to need assistance with transporting items to church, please call the church or Jan Stichling.

  • 636-586-2472 (church)
  • 636-586 4092 (Jan)