March Birthdays
- 1st-Wyatt Hickman
- 2nd-Frank Talbert
- 3rd-Pat Ames & Hunter Guertzgen
- 5th-Kate Bigelow
- 15th-Emily Neckermann
- 16th-Judy Propst
- 18th-Werner Stichling & Landon Wurth
- 19th-Nancy Shackleford
- 20th-Donna Dawes
- 21st-Dennis Doyle
- 30th-Jerry Riddle, Emily Solomon, & Nicholas Watkins
- 31st-Jason Owens & Lou Watson
March Anniversaries
- 2nd-Larry & Frances Deaton
- 27th-Bobby & Phyllis Fisher
Daylight Savings Time begins March 11, 2018. Don’t forget to spring forward.
For information about other events and meetings at the church, check out the calendar.