April Birthdays
- 1st-Meaghan Wright-Doyle
- 2nd-Michelle Stephens and Jenny Wurth
- 4th-Betsy Weber
- 6th-Mary DeClue
- 8th-Margie Walker
- 13th-Marietta Martin
- 16th-Charles Hoelzel
- 17th-Bob Alexander
- 18th-Chuck Bigelow
- 22nd-Steve Richardson
- 25th-James Bryant
- 27th-Danielle Moskop
- 29th-Tara Schellert and Clark Wischmeier
April Anniversaries
- 4th-Jerry & Marsha Greenstreet
- 9th-Doug & Margie Urban
- 23rd-Stoke & Rosemary Wischmeier
- 29th-Lonnie & Angela Keys
For information about other events and meetings at the church, check out the calendar.