Noisy Offerings

If you missed worship on April 22nd, your hearing is probably all the better for it. The noisy offering that was collected totaled almost $90…but we can do better than that! And you’ll have your chance too.

Noisy offerings will also be collected on May 13th and June 3rd. These offerings will be combined, split three ways, and sent to the Annual Conference (June 8-10) for offerings there. Here’s what those 3 offerings will support:

Offering during Opening Worship

This offering will relaunch the Mozambique Initiative’s efforts to create opportunities for church-going entrepreneurs through sustainability projects. Our goal for this offering is to provide microloans for at least 25 entrepreneurs in Mozambique.

Offering during Saturday’s Service of Ordination

Gifts shared in this offering will be distributed for the work of administering our Pathway out of Poverty initiative focused on literacy.

Offering during Sunday Morning Worship

The Methodist Church of Puerto Rico continues to rebuild following the devastation of Hurricane Maria in the fall of 2017. Thirty-eight churches were damaged with 10 nearly destroyed. Yet, the people of Puerto Rico have remained strong. Your gift will help rebuild a Methodist health clinic on the island of Vieques.