Pastor Notes

I was reading the 7th Psalm this morning and came across a very straightforward and disturbing verse. It said, “He who is pregnant with evil and conceives trouble gives birth to disillusionment.” Those are some strong words. True, but strong. How sad it is when one person’s taste for creating trouble, or havoc, can drive so many to be disillusioned with life. I shudder to think of the people who have walked away from their faith or the church because they were caught in the figurative crossfire born of the evil within humanity.

Ah, but there is good news. Good news of a new birth. It is the new birth found in the love of God through Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. A new birth that takes all that is evil and troubling in us and turns it around; into something new. To show just how wonderful this new birth can be (and in honor of all that is wonderful about the moms we honor this Mother’s Day), let’s turn that verse in the opposite direction. Because of Jesus, those words can say, “She who is pregnant with virtue and conceives contentment gives birth to blessing.”

-Pastor David Duncan