Special Sundays in May

It might be more appropriate to call May the “Month of Special Sundays” since most of the Sundays this month will be celebratory or have something going on! It is good to have things to celebrate, and we’ll start the month off with:

  • Communion on May 6th. This will also be the Sunday when we do a Presentation of Bibles for the third graders, so you won’t want to miss it! There will also be a youth meeting at 11:45 that day with Dairy Queen as the lunch.
  • May 13th is Mother’s Day and we’ll be Recognizing Graduates then too. 
  • There’s a Mother & Daughter Luau Murder Mystery Dinner being held at 5 PM on May 20th. Tickets are $10/person and $5 for daughters 10 and under.
  • Nothing has yet been planned for May 27th, but we’ll keep you posted…