From the Pastor

Back to school things have been on my mind of late. Asking students about the first week of school; getting back into a rhythm of Barbara going to work early; deciding which sporting events, or other activities, to attend; wondering what my next classes will be like.

Thinking on the varieties of school things, I remember one of the more challenging classes I have taken in the last three years. The usual pre-class work seemed almost excessive. Extra time was spent rewriting assignments. Sleep during the week of class came considerably later than planned. The final grade of “B” was met with sincere gratitude…and relief.

It was probably one of the most beneficial classes I have taken. (No disrespect for the other classes; this one just seemed to have added benefits.) I came away from the class with more noteworthy notes. I gained a few skills in dealing with challenges. My opinion on a couple social issues gained more clarity. I became a better writer of academic papers. In short, I walked away from the class better prepared for my task as Pastor.

Looking back, I believe the respect I developed for my instructor had a lot to do with his treating the class as people who could make a difference. As such, the expectations needed to be as high as the possibilities. In some ways that is how it is with the gospel. However inviting its message may be, there remains a part of the good news that calls us to a standard with short-term perks that are not so warm and fuzzy. Reviews need to be made. Purposes need to be clarified. Skills need to be gained.

The good news is, we are guided by One who sees the difference we can make, and empowers us to make that difference. May we be a people – in school, in church, in life – living in to the difference that is the high calling of Jesus Christ. Blessings.