September Food Pantry Needs

There are some items that the food pantry distributes each month; other items get distributed less frequently. Now is the time of year when the pantry runs low on the items distributed every month. This includes boxed pastas and jell-o. Specifically, they need:

  • pasta without meat, like Spaghetti-os,
  • Hamburger Helper,
  • boxed macaroni and cheese, and
  • flavored gelatin that just requires adding water, like Jell-o (not the pudding).

There are five Sundays during September, so if you can bring an item each Sunday, that should give us a diverse selection to send to the pantry and meet some of their short-term needs too. If you want to do more than just bring an item, you can also volunteer at the pantry. They will need help at the following times:

  • Tuesday, September 4th at 10 AM
  • Thursday, September 6th at 5 PM
  • Friday, September 7th at 10 AM
  • Saturday, September 8th at 8:45 AM