Music Notes

Nancy Rosevink and Charla Wilson will be bring special music to worship on September 2nd. Be sure to claim your pew that morning! Sure, it’s a holiday weekend, so bring your visiting family and friends too.

The Chancel Choir is back at it. Practice resumes August 29th, and the choir will be present in worship beginning September 9th.

Also in September, we’ll be hosting Singspiration! During morning worship on Sunday, September 30th, we’ll have a Fifth Sunday service with lots of singing, including our youth. Then, in the evening, we’ll have more singing with participation from across the faith community for Singspiration. Please makes plans to attend.

Sugar Moon dates for September:

  • Thursday, September 6 at Coyol from 5:30-8:30 PM
  • Friday, September 14th at LaPachange in Herculaneum from 5-8:30 PM
  • Saturday, September 22nd at Russell House from 6-9 PM