From the Pastor

The other day I was talking with someone about the 5 Cups of Coffee class. Admittedly, the title doesn’t give much of a hint as to the content of the class. I would suspect that may be the point made by the creators of the class. All too often church-type classes seem to be about gathering information. It’s not that I have anything against information. It’s just that, knowing things such as the order of the books in the Bible, or the sequence of Jesus’ lineage will mean very little if we don’t find some practical application for said information.

Still, why the 5 Cups of Coffee? I believe it’s because coffee conversations tend to be more about the stuff of life; how things are going or what interests we have. Yes, the subject of God will enter the conversation, but it’s really about recognizing that, just because a conversation may not reference God all the time doesn’t mean that God isn’t a part of the equation. You are the only you that God created. No one else can be you like you can. That’s all a part of God’s plan for humanity…and for you. I hope you can make it for 5 Cups of Coffee. It will be each Sunday mornings at 9:15, now through the end of October.

-Pastor David