Medical Equipment Lending

The church has some walkers, wheelchairs, and other random medical equipment. As you have a need for them, please feel free to inquire about borrowing them from the church office. We are working to store them in a better location, and while we’re at it, we’d like to inquire if you have items that you might donate to the church to be lent as needs arise. This might include a gently used set of crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, commodes, canes, and other medical equipment.

We’ll start calling this our H.E.L.P. (Health Equipment Lending Program), and there is no requirement to borrow an item. Keep it as long as you need and return it when you no longer need it.

Until our items find a more suitable location for storage, please kindly drop them off in the church office.

One response to “Medical Equipment Lending”

  1. Hi. I’m looking for a wheelchair that is a quick release that is very light weight the kind that someone would use that can’t walk to well and I’m also looking for leg braces. I miss going outdoors with my family and wife. I just don’t walk well or far cause of my legs. I would be very grateful if someone could help me with this. Thank you