December Birthdays
- 5th-Gabby Beckley
- 10th-Grant Fauth
- 12th-Terry Neckermann
- 14th-Mike Neckermann
- 15th-Kit Doyle
- 16th-Wayne Propst
- 21st-Lonnie Keys & Josie Guertzgen
- 23rd-Marshall Bedell
- 26th-Kelsey Kingsland
- 27th-Burt McAlpine
- 29th-Krista Richardson
- 30th-Dawna Watkins & Rachel Payne
December Anniversaries
- 16th-Jack & Anita Robinson
- 18th-Clark & Sara Robinson
- 25th-Bob & Wanda Dillingham
- 26th-Paul & Becky Bradford
- 28th-Dennis & Judy Doyle
For information about other events and meetings at the church, check out the calendar.