Thank You!

To the Church, Minister, and All Concerned,

Thank you so much for allowing me to have my recital at the church this December. I appreciate it very much!

Norma J. Bell

St. Andrew’s family,

I can’t thank you all enough for the amazing snack package that was sent-a few tears were shed when it was opened. It means a lot and even though I only had one final this semester, I felt no guilt eating them. I even shared a few with my study mates, which I felt was incredibly Christian of me.

Hopefully this was my last semester as a “perma” student where I have to take finals, but we’ll see.

The baking supplies are also very appreciated. I’m in the works to use them to make a recipe titled “Sugar Rose Brioche”. Hopefully it turns out.

I hope everyone is doing well and if anyone from St. Andrew’s finds themselves near the Smokies, they’re more than welcome to visit.

With Love,

Lauren Nuckols