February Birthdays
- 1st-Brantley Schellert, Frances Deaton
- 2nd-Marilyn Graves
- 3rd-Helen Axley
- 7th-Amy Hickman
- 11th-Andrea Brown
- 13th-Paul Robinson
- 15th-Bobby Fisher
- 18th-Kevin Smith, Hailey West
- 24th-Melissa McAlpine, Logan Neckermann, Meaghan Faust
- 25th-Kelley Vollmar
- 27th-Deb Richardson
February Anniversaries
- 6th-Joe & Charla Wilson
- 11th-Paul & Marilyn Graves
- 17th-Mike & Kim Kingsland
- 21st-Mike & Terry Neckermann
For information about other events and meetings at the church, check out the calendar.