Food Pantry Needs

Don’t you just love a good cake! Unless of course, you gave it up for Lent…

Well, now is your chance to dream about that cake until Easter. We need to get 40 cake mixes to the Food Pantry before Saturday, April 13th. That means that if you plan on bringing 2-3 when you come for worship, you need to bring them on Sunday, April 7th! Yes, that is soon, but it can be done. We can probably gather more than 40 since cake mixes have started going on sale. Our current stock in the Food Pantry box is low, but we’ll get them moved to a more prominent location. That way you can’t miss them and will be less likely to forget.

Frosting: optional!

For the remainder of April, Mildred has indicated that Jell-o and Spaghetti-O’s are still in short supply.