Connectional Giving

With all the emphasis that has been put on apportionments, perhaps you are wondering what is meant by “connectional” giving. The reach of St. Andrew’s is improved because of the United Methodist connectional giving. If you want to learn more though, there is a free online class put together by United Methodist Communications. It will provide you with a wealth of knowledge.

Per the course description, you will learn:

  • How to explain the biblical and theological basis for giving.
  • How to understand more about how The United Methodist Church is a connectional church.
  • To use “missional storytelling” to create a culture of generosity.
  • To set a plan “to make the ask” in your congregation for the giving of gifts, time, talents, prayers, etc.

You can get more information and sign up for the course by clicking here. Please let church staff know if you intend to take the course, so we can get feedback from you after it is completed.