Mission Minute

Festival of Sharing

Festival of Sharing logo

Fleece is being sent to the Missouri Annual Conference for Festival of Sharing. The fleece should be solid-colored and measure 60″ by 80″. These pieces will then be put together (hand-tied) to form queen sized blankets. If you can provide a piece of fleece (Jo-Ann’s in Festus, Hobby Lobby in Arnold, and Walmart in DeSoto all have some.), please get it to the church office by Wednesday, June 5th. Pastor David and Steve Richardson will be attending Annual Conference and will be responsible for carrying our pieces of fleece to Springfield.

Noisy Offerings

There will be three offerings taken at Annual Conference. Below is an outline of each one. We will collect noisy offerings the last two Sunday’s in May and the first Sunday in June. All monies contributed will then be sent to Annual Conference for offerings during the conference.

  • Friday’s offering: Pathway Out of Poverty | Empowering the next generation for a different tomorrow is one of the Conference’s priorities. The Pathway Out of Poverty initiative dreams of supporting children in Missouri with resources for increased literacy and school success. Contributing financially to this collective effort provides resources for local church initiatives, training and holy conferencing as we seek to make a transformative difference in lives of children across our state.
  • Saturday’s offering: Puerto Rico Disaster Response | Missouri’s commitment to assist with the Hurricane Maria disaster recovery efforts of the Iglesia Metodista de Esperanza in Vieques, Puerto Rico, is nearly complete. Teams from across Missouri have traveled to help, individuals and churches have contributed financially to help this community where over 40 percent live in poverty, and poco a poco (little by little) change has come. Your financial gift will add a blessing and provide the necessary funds to finish our commitment including completion of the children’s ministry area, a kitchen for healthy cooking classes and the replacement of the water-damaged worship stage and altar.
  • Sunday’s offering: Mozambique Initiative | In late March, Mozambique was hit by one of the worst cyclones to make landfall in the southern hemisphere. The numbers are staggering with millions of acres of crops, homes and public gathering spaces either severely damaged or destroyed, and worst of all, hundreds of deaths. In the days following the storm, the Mozambique Initiative responded. Disaster resources were immediately released, and MI joined in the solidarity movement that began within the Mozambican Conferences. Resources are in short supply for long-term recovery. Your donation today will transform the community as MI works with local churches to restore clean water, provide access to healthcare, and restart education in affected areas. This is the work of lasting change.