Where the Money Goes

ApportionmentAmount Due% PaidBalance
Episcopal Fund$709.0014%$609
Ministerial Education Fund$809.0016%$677
District Apportionments$1,167.0050%$584
Conference Administration$1,363.0040%$813

In short the Episcopal Fund pays the Bishops’ salaries, covers their office and travel expenses, and provides their pension and health-benefit coverage. We’ve paid $100 of this apportioned amount for the year.

The Ministerial Education Fund prepares men and women for effective ministry. It provides scholarships, helps fund seminaries, fosters career pathways, and provides continuing education and course-of-study education for pastors.

District Apportionments are what we pay to the Gateway Regional District Office for expenses associated with their programs and administration. We usually pay 100% of this by the end of the year.

The Conference Administration apportioned amount goes to the Missouri Annual Conference to cover expenses for the Council on Finance & Administration, Trustees at the state level, Episcopal Office Support, a meeting expense pool, Jurisdictional Delegation, Commission on Archives & History, and reserve replenishment.