First off, let me thank everyone who participated in the recent Discipleship Survey done this past month (September). The preliminary reports are in. While we scored ourselves high in areas such as community involvement and having close friends who are part of the church, we did not give ourselves very high marks in areas such as mentor-ship, group participation, and the variety of discipleship opportunities offered. In a nutshell, some things are good, but we still have a ways to go.
The good news is that we have the kind of feedback that allows for very specific ministry directions. As your Administrative Council meets over the next couple of months, we will be determining ways to map out a plan of creating a culture that prioritizes making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. This is no small task; but then again, our God is no small God. Let us live into God’s future. Please be in prayer for your Council members. Even better…lend a hand. Blessings.