Trivia Night

Here’s how you can support the event:

  • Play!
  • Silent auction items are needed.
  • You or your business could sponsor a round or sponsor the event.

All proceeds benefit 2020 Night to Shine.

Right after Halloween, we’ll be playing trivia. Teams of 8 are needed to play, and the cost is $120 for a team of 8. You can also pay $15 and we’ll assign you to a team if you don’t have seven smart friends that are free on Friday, November 1st.

Proceeds benefit 2020 Night to Shine!

The theme is Candy. Since this is right after Halloween, you should consider bringing your leftover candy…at least the candy you don’t enjoy. Perhaps you’ll find another table that has Laffy Taffy that they’re willing to give you on trade. You might be able to swap those Razzles for something actually edible! In any case, there will be a prize for the best decorated table, so let your creativity flow.

We will also have a silent auction during the event, and auction items are needed. If you can put together a fabulous auction item or basket, you can bring those to church before October 30, 2019. That way we have time to catalog the auction item and get a bid sheet made for it. If you have questions about the silent auction, please contact Pastor David for more details.

The event also needs sponsors. There are two options. You can sponsor a round for $50 or sponsor the event for $100. There are 10 rounds, so if you want to sponsor more than one, that works too!

You might have questions, and be assured that we do too…trivia questions, that is!

Questions can be directed to the church office. If you’re ready to go though, there are forms for registering a team, individual, recording silent auction items, and sponsorship information all on the bulletin board outside the church office. Feel free to take one. You can also access the form here.