It really isn’t surprising that St. Andrew’s UMC likes mission and outreach projects that target women. Eight of the individuals on the Administrative Council are women, including Frances Deaton, the Mission Chair. There has been considerable work done to support the women and children at A Safe Place over the past several years, and we’re continuing that with our second Ladies’ Day Out.

This is an event that requires:
- volunteers the day of the event, Saturday, November 30, 2019,
- volunteers in advance of the event to plan children’s activities,
- monetary contributions (more on this below), and
- three bakers to each make a dozen beautiful cookies for the event!
The Wall O Money is how we are raising the funds necessary for Ladies’ Day Out, and here’s what you need to know. There are envelopes in the hallway at church. Each has a number on it, and the hope is that all 25 envelopes are selected. Now, you’ll want to choose carefully because each envelope has a monetary amount inside on a small slip of paper. That is the amount you should put into the envelope! The amounts range from just $2 to $40, so be generous and take a couple if you can. After you’ve done that, drop the envelope into the offering plate between now and November 10th.
If all 25 envelopes are selected and returned with the stated monetary amount, we’ll raise $400 to use for Ladies’ Day Out. This will cover food costs, tickets, and activity supplies. (We’ll make sure any unused funds go to A Safe Place.) If you’re unable to take an envelope, you can always volunteer to help out by making cookies or volunteering in some other way. Just make sure Frances Deaton or the church office knows if you’ll be able to help with the event.