Night to Shine Volunteers

It is that time. We are recruiting volunteers for the 2020 Night to Shine!

The prom-like event will be Friday, February 7, 2020 at Vineland Elementary School. The entire community helps bring this event to life and make it the wonderful experience that it has been for our special guests.

Don’t worry! We’ll begin recruiting our guests, but we want a solid base of volunteers first. There are two types of volunteers, and you need to get the correct paperwork to be a part of Night to Shine.

If you are 18 or older and out of high school,…

…you need to complete the regular volunteer registration form. It includes a Release of Liability and Media Rights Release. All 3 pages are required.

Volunteers who complete this form must have a background screening. If you are an adult volunteer who has volunteered with us in the past two years, the screening just needs to be run again. It is simple, and you can submit the registration form and call the church to have the screening ran: 636-586-2472.

If you’ve not had a background screening with us, you’ll need to complete the paperwork from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (form MO-580 2421). The fee associated with the screening is covered by the church, so do not submit the form to the state. Instead, submit it to the church with your registration form.

If you are 14-18 years old (i.e. a high school student),…

…you’ll need to complete the volunteer permission slip. This form also includes a Media Rights Release and Release of Liability. All 3 pieces must be signed by a parent or guardian. This cannot be stressed enough. Signatures are required on all forms!

For those completing the permission slip, a background screening is not necessary.

If you are unable to print a form, please contact the church office at 636-586-2472. Please note: you will be contacted if a portion of your paperwork is incomplete or unclear.