Paying Ameren isn’t really inspiring. There’s no great joy or love felt when paying utilities or even paying other recurring monthly bills. So what inspires people in the church to pay all those boring bills? Nothing. We don’t give because Ameren gives us a warm, fuzzy feeling. (That’s Spire because the church has gas furnaces!) We give because paying Ameren allows for ministry to exist within and beyond the walls of the church.
Keeping the lights on allows Rotary to meet each Tuesday. It allows us to comfortably gather and bring our food pantry items for collection. It allows the choir to practice after everyone gets off work. It allows parents to bring their Night to Shine guests to pick out dresses and other fancy attire.

Without it, Survivors of Suicide is looking for another place to go on Thursday nights. Yoga would have to consider a different location for the Monday class, and all the fellowship created on the first Sundays during Movie Night would have to relocate to some unknown location. There wouldn’t be concerts on the front lawn during nice weather or Ladies Day Out after Thanksgiving.
Give, not for what you get from it, but because of the ministries that grow from it.