The church is seeking a volunteer to deliver food items to the food pantry. This should be done on a monthly basis, and delivery must be coordinated with Mildred. Someone who is able to simply load up the donated items, count them, and get them to the pantry is what is needed. If you are interested in doing this on a monthly basis, please contact the church office.
You did a great job with February’s red food items for pantry donations. For the month of March, our food pantry items are canned beans and canned potatoes. It seems like these get on our list a lot, but the way it works is that everybody else in De Soto donates the green beans and corn. It is up to us to add a little variety to the pantry’s shelves. This allows those receiving food boxes to have something other than canned green beans.
So for March, bring in canned potatoes (white, new, or sweet) and bring on the cannellini, pinto, kidney, black beans, and basically any bean that might have sprung from Alfred Buzzito. (Not sure about who Alfred Buzzito is? Check out Skippyjon Jones at the local library.)