Each year, offerings are taken during the Missouri Annual Conference. We normally collect money for these three offerings in the months leading up to the conference. In previous years, this has been done through a noisy offering, and we intended to do this again this year. The offerings were scheduled for March 22nd, April 19th, and May 17th. Obviously, the one in March didn’t happen, and the one in April is an unknown. This means our children missed a chance to collect your pocket change and quiet money, but it also means we’ve had to devise a way to collect money for the Annual Conference offerings. Here’s the plan, and it does require a phone that can send and receive text (SMS) messages…
Text the phrase:
GiveStAndrewsUMC NoisyOffering $6.57
To 73256 to give.
You’ll get a response that gives you instructions on how to proceed to give your noisy offering.
The amount of $6.57 isn’t totally arbitrary either. You seen, the Missouri Annual Conference takes place June (6th month) 5-7 this year!
One specification: you need to do this before the end of March for our March Noisy Offering that was missed. If we miss our scheduled April date, we’ll do something to make that one up too. Who knows? We might be doing something similar again.
And because not everyone is comfortable texting, you can also drop a check in the mail or add some “Noisy Offering” money to your regular offering.
Conference offerings are for Rural Missouri Connection, Mozambique Initiative, and Pathway Out of Poverty. We’ll share information about each of these in the May newsletter.