Things You Can Do!

The stay-at-home order is making everyone reconsider:

  • what is church?
  • how do we church?
  • daily church?
  • stay-at-home church?

It is bound to look different in the times of a pandemic, and it certainly has so far. Ministry looks different too. There are pastors that like to say, “the church is 90% what happens outside the building’s walls and 10% of what we do inside.” That’s great, but now it needs to be 100% outside the walls of the actual building. That’s a bit of a challenge, but there are things you can do.

#1: Make a call

You can make calls. You can call friends and family to minister to their needs as well. A friendly phone call is always welcome from those in nursing facilities, but the reality is that everyone is going stir crazy at this point!

There is an effort to call families that would normally gather for church on Sundays. These aren’t meant to be 3-minute conversations about the weather, but they aren’t really the Spanish Inquisition either. Six ladies from the church have been tasked with making these calls. Please be open to discussing how things are going, let them know of any needs that are unmet, and share your prayer requests as well.

#2: Grocery run

The stay-at-home orders allow people to go to the grocery store, but it is advisable that anyone over 60 try to avoid getting out at all. If you can touch base with your neighbors or shut-ins prior to your trip to the grocer, please consider offering to pick up anything that they might need.

#3: Write a…letter

This ancient, almost dead art form is making a comeback; mainly because the mail is still running. Consider writing a note or sending a card to those who might be lonely.

#4: Bring a friend to church

Wait! What?!

That’s right. Since social media is being used by many to stay connected and services are now being streamed or shared online, it is easier than ever to send a link to a friend to “invite” them to church. If they mention that they enjoyed it, ask them other things, like “Did you grow up going to church?” or “What was your favorite part?”

For more information about ways to reach out during this crisis, please visit See All the People.