Making Space

If you’re organizing your garage, basement, shed, and car during this time at home, you have probably come up with many items that are ready for the church rummage sale. That’s right! The rummage sale is being planned for a later date, but that date hasn’t yet been selected. You can bring donated items to the church though. They are being collected, sorted, and tagged for the future sale. Jan Stichling, the coordinator for the sale, would like to have all the items brought in before the end of April. If you are unable to get your items to the church by then, please let the church office know so that other arrangements can be made.


Speaking of spaces and rooms, Upper Rooms for May and June have arrived at the church. Steve Richardson is happy to deliver one to your porch or mailbox. Please contact the church and let Melissa know if you need a regular or large print edition.