Night to Shine

Last year was the church’s first time to step into the Give STL Day waters. The small amount of money raised went to Night to Shine, which is a ministry that continues to grow. This year, any money raised through Give STL will also be destined to help with Night to Shine 2021!

To many of us, Night to Shine is more than a special night for special people. It is a ministry that, in 2017, was missing from our community. Now! It has added so many connections, relationships, and enrichment to those in DeSoto and beyond.

It is more than a church event or function. It requires collaboration with other groups, a huge amount of outreach for volunteers, and a fair amount of resources: time, talents, and money. The logistics alone can make your head spin, but we’ve managed to pull it off 3 times in 2 locations, and with a ton of great people.

2021 will be even better. We’ve still got some logistical kinks to work on, but we’ve also held back a bit. We’ve got new ideas circulating; brewing like orange pekoe tea. Next year will be even better. That’s why we’ve signed up for Give STL Day again. The official date is May 7th, but you can give early too. Our goal is $1000, and if you’d like to invite your friends and family to donate, that can be done too. You can share this page with them or you can set up a campaign to raise money on your own.

Campaigns are not for the faint of heart.

  • They have to be set up by May 6th, so there’s a deadline.
  • The computer knowledge required isn’t difficult, but you should be vaguely familiar with setting up an online profile.
  • We highly recommend that if you’d like to help raise funds, you set up a campaign! All the directions to set up a campaign can be found here.