Re-Opening Church

By now, you should be aware that the church building will be opening for worship on June 7, 2020. On Monday, May 11 a decision was made by the Administrative Council to begin the process of re-opening St. Andrew’s UMC.

Prior to the first service in June, the building will be thoroughly cleaned. Common surfaces will be disinfected, and more difficult-to-clean surfaces such as pew cushions, pew Bibles, and Hymnals will be removed for the time being.

As the letters that went out indicated, Sunday mornings will look different. We’ve ordered disinfecting wipes and special Communion supplies. We’re asking that you wear a mask. Yes! To worship! Available seating will be limited, and offering plates will be set up at the back of the Sanctuary. We won’t be passing a common cup or offering tray for a while.

We won’t have congregational hymns either. As awkward as that might seem, these restrictions and limitations are put in place to keep one another safe.

Other items will also be affected. Fellowship time will be suspended, and the kitchen, Fellowship Hall, and other rooms will be closed. This will reduce the amount of cleaning needed after worship when all the common surfaces will be disinfected again.

We know that many will be uncomfortable attending worship in the Sanctuary. That is understandable. The restrictions and steps necessary might not be worth the risk for those  higher risk populations. For this reason, we’ll continue to offer online worship.

As the letter you received indicated: “The continued support of St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church through your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness is not something we take for granted. Neither is your health and safety.”