If you’ve returned to in-person worship in church, you know that some items are a bit different. If you’re still hanging back, here’s what you can expect when you do return:
- Wear a mask. It isn’t required, but it is highly recommended.
- Every other pew is roped off. Family groups are welcome to set together, but we are asking that those from different households maintain a six foot social distance.
- Congregational hymns are currently being skipped. There is still music and singing led by the Worship Team.
- Hand-sanitizer: use it! There’s some at the back of the Sanctuary.
- Try not to touch door handles, light switches, or other commonly-touched items. Hymnals have been removed from the pews.
- You can leave your offering envelope in the tray at the back of the Sanctuary before or after worship. Passing a common offering plate…see the note above about commonly touched items.