Mission Minute

The Pay It Forward Baby Ministry operates out of the Community Center on Boyd Street. They are currently in need of diapers and pull-ups. They have plenty of smaller diapers for newborns through age 3, but the supply of larger sizes is very limited. If you are able to bring unopened packages of diapers to church in sizes 4, 5, or 6 or pull-ups (boys or girls), we will see that they are delivered to the baby ministry.

The food pantry is also in need to provisions. For the month of July, please bring canned potatoes and place them on the table outside the kitchen door!

We are also still collecting bottles of shampoo in sizes ranging from 12-16 ounces. Originally intended to be taken to Annual Conference, these are going to a Festival of Sharing drop-off at Manchester United Methodist Church. All donations of shampoo must be at the church before July 13. There are bins outside the Sanctuary doors where you can leave your Festival of Sharing shampoo.