Hello to everyone from the Music Department,
I keep getting asked when the choir will be back or when can we record something. Well, the simple answer is that we don’t know. There is no way that we can social distance and be a choir. There is no way to stand by each other to hear each other sing. The alternative is to wait until there is a proven vaccine available to keep everyone safe, the decision about the choir returning is to wait.
On the other hand, we have a wonderful praise team with Debby, Amy, Barbara, Stan, David, and myself along with Maxine and Nancy providing moving music every Sunday in church and on line. The dedication of this praise team is unbelievable. I ask that if you talk to one of these individuals, you will tell them thank you. They are a big part of our service.

We will continue with the praise team until we have a vaccine. When the choir returns though, we will keep the praise team together as well to bring you music with a meaningful message.
I hope this clarifies the music situation.
Mosher Bay is still on hiatus until there is a workable vaccine. Just as a reminder: wear your mask and wash your hands.
-Larry Bay
Music Director