National Good Neighbor Day

National Good Neighbor Day is Monday, September 28, 2020. There are some challenges with the pandemic, but just image that you’re Tim “the Tool Man” Taylor talking to Wilson across the fence. You might not be able to see each other, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be a good neighbor.


National Good Neighbor Day was created in the early 1970s by Becky Mattson of Lakeside, Montana. In 1978, United States President Jimmy Carter issued a proclamation that encouraged people and organizations to celebrate a day of community and neighborliness. In 2003, National Good Neighbor Day was changed from the fourth Sunday in September to September 28, and that date is almost upon us now.

Here are some ideas to get to know your neighbor, but you might need to modify them based on the pandemic.

  • Host a block party.
  • Invite neighbors over for a BBQ.
  • Help a neighbor with a project.
  • Go for a walk around your neighborhood.
  • Say “hello”

There is a lack of trust and connection in our community. If you’re looking for a way to combat that, be a good neighbor. Get to know those around you by setting a goal of learning the names of all your neighbors and at least one fact about each of them before the end of the year. It might surprise you.