You know that regular Singspiration held on the Fifth Sundays at 6 PM that raises awareness and money for the Ministerial Alliance? We’re hosting one, but there’s nothing regular about it!
October 18, 2020 at 5:30 PM
It isn’t on the Fifth Sunday; it will start at 5:30 PM; and you don’t even have to leave your cars! We’ll gather on the back parking lot of St. Andrew’s for a plethora of musicians bringing you some of their favorites. Many local churches have been invited to bring their very best performers for a worshipful hour-long service.
The lot will be divided into spaces that allow you to park and unload a lawn chair or just remain in your vehicle. You can bring your own snacks or dessert; just watch the upholstery! We’ll collect an offering that goes to the Ministerial Alliance to continue their ministry in the community.