
Here’s a quick update on giving. Over $2,200 was given to the Ministerial Alliance as a result of the Singspiration hosted by the church. An offering of $1,119 was collected during Singspiration and additional funds were received in the weeks leading up to it. The Ministerial Alliance helps locals who are needing gas money or transportation to doctor’s appointments, assistance with utilities, and temporary housing needs. Thank you for generously supporting this.

As we enter a season of waiting and giving, please remember that you have several options for supporting ministry at the local level. You can give to St. Andrew’s online through our website. You can also do passive giving through the use of AmazonSmile. And if you are seeking out gifts for others, please consider using UMCMarket through iGive. This gives you a chance to support ministry that is close to your heart while doing some of your regular shopping.