Thank You

To all who’ve prayed for me, I send you thanks! As my kids and siblings have worried from afar, Chuck and I have assured them we had plenty of support in our St. Andrew’s family. I’m doing fine; trying to follow doctors’ orders and enjoying autumn through the window.

We’ll keep all of you in our prayers, too!

Kate (and Chuck)

To the St. Andrew’s Church Family:

Thank you all for the support and caring messages sent to us and for your prayers concerning hte passing of my sister Lavonne, the accident of my step-granddaughter Stephanie, and the health concerns Marvin has been facing. Your prayers, phone calls, cards and loving words are treasures in the midst of troubled times.

Maxine Jinkerson

Many thanks to our church family for the numerous contributions to our rummage sale this year. Because of your generosity, we were able to deliver sizable donations to the DeSoto Community Center, Aging Ahead, and also the DeSoto Public School Nurses.

Thank you so much,
Laura Souders
Jan Stichling