Pastor’s Note

It was just about 1 year ago that I asked this question: What space am I willing to seek in finding God’s purpose for me in 2020? It was a reference to the “space” we allow in our lives in order to grow as followers of Jesus Christ. Little did any of us know what 2020 held, and the importance of proper amounts of space. Hmm…

Maybe I should ask that again: What space am I willing to seek in finding God’s purpose for me in 2021? Will it be space enough to believe that I can communicate using technology? Or maybe space enough to give technology at least half a chance? Will the space I seek be getting back to the basics of letter writing? Will I find the space to take the initiative in making a call, or the restraint needed in not making a rush to judgment?

There is much to be said about how months of isolation and quarantine has left people with ample space for seeking what is important; what is truly of value. My hope for those who seek is that they do so with the “tools” needed for seeing that which has lasting value. Beginning January 10th, I will bring a series of messages about what being ALL IN means for the Christian. Interestingly enough, the very first message is about Attitude – the Attitude of Jesus Christ.

Do your best to make space – in all its forms – for these messages, and the worship services surrounding them. Thank you for your continued support of the ministries of St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church. God’s got this!