Money Matters

A note from the Missouri Conference of the United Methodist Church

We celebrate the ministry of St. Andrew’s UMC for faithfully giving 100% of conference, national and global apportionments for 2020 to support United Methodist connectional ministries in our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

We give God thanks for your extravagant generosity!

Bob Farr, Bishop
Linda Harris, D.S.

The rest of the story, so to speak…

We didn’t actually pay 100% of our apportionments for 2020, but we did pay over 81%! That was an increase over previous years, and we hope to continue to increase that percentage. St. Andrew’s received the notice about 100% of apportionments though because the conference adjusted giving due to the pandemic. Apportionments were adjusted to be 75% of the original amount. Based on that adjustment, we fulfilled that obligation for 2020.

A Valentine

Regardless of how Valentine’s Day came about, there’s a Christian message about the love of the Lord—a sacrificial love. We humans give far less of a sacrifice than either Jesus or any saint named Valentine. Scripture says that when tested with the question, “Which commandment is the greatest?”, Jesus answered, “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind…and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:36-39) Can there be too many valentines?

Share a blessed, heart-warming Valentine’s Day in whatever form it might take this year.

Contribution envelopes

Contribution envelopes for giving are available for pick-up at the church. If your family normally uses the weekly envelopes, please stop by or make arrangements to have the envelopes delivered by contacting the church office.