Money Matters

Lent: Time to go the second mile

“If any of your kin fall into difficulty and become dependent on you, you shall support them.”

Leviticus 25:35a

Thanks to vaccines, we can expect an end to the pandemic, but the economic recovery will linger much longer. Our government reports that half the families in our nation lost income in 2020, with many of them forced into desperate poverty.

Billions of dollars in federal assistance and a moratorium on evictions have helped ease the pain, but many are suffering. The pandemic’s economic victims may include you, your family members, and people in your community or congregation.

Lent has begun, but it’s not too late to adopt a discipline that may simultaneously help bring you closer to God, increase your faith and help your neighbor. Pray for guidance on how best to respond to the need. Here are some ideas:

  • Pray. Set aside time each day to talk and listen to God.
  • If you can afford to make a financial contribution, give sacrificially to a ministry that’s helping people. A food pantry, soup kitchen, homeless shelter, clothing closet…Can you make a weekly donation through Lent, and beyond?
  • If you cannot afford to make a financial contribution, can you volunteer? Are there special talents – writing, online communications, organizing, fund-raising, etc. – that you might be able to donate?
  • In your church, start or expand a helping ministry. Alternatively, lead your church to become a ministry that’s already doing a good job.
  • Learn about the needs in your community, and then educate others.
  • Advocate on issues of poverty and economic justice.

The pandemic’s bruising effects will take years to heal. As God’s people, we can help by praying, serving and supporting those in need.

–Rob Blezard

Copyright © 2021, Rev. Robert Blezard. Pastor Blezard serves as pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Aberdeen, MD, and works as content editor for He blogs at