Easter Greeting Video

YOU can be a part of our online Easter worship service!

We would love for YOU to be part of our Easter Sunday Online Worship Experience! Celebrate the Resurrection of Christ by recording a short video of yourself saying the traditional phrase we begin every Easter Sunday with – “Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!” Turn your phone sideways (horizontally), make sure the area you are in is well lit and quiet, and press record. With joy and excitement in your voice record yourself alone or with family/friends/pets saying the two phrases with a pause in between.

Here’s how to submit your video:

  1. Set up your phone to record in landscape mode in a quiet, well lit space.
  2. Record yourself saying these two phrases with joy and excitement.

Christ is Risen!
He is Risen Indeed!

  1. Submit your video to this link here or the button below. You can also email your video to pastor@standrewsumcdesoto.org.

Submission Deadline: Monday, March 29, 2021
We can’t wait to celebrate Easter with you! Need help with your video? Contact Melissa at secretary@standrewsumcdesoto.org or call (636) 586-2472.