Mission Minute

Night to Shine

Night to Shine just completed its first virtual run, and it was a great success. These things don’t happen without a lot of work though, and our 2022 Night to Shine work begins April 5, 2021.

Please join us from April 5 through May 6th for Give STL Day!

This past year has been difficult for everyone, especially local programs that support vulnerable populations. Night to Shine has been fortunate to receive a lot of support at the local level. We’re continuing that this year. This is our second or third year of fundraising through Give STL Day, and we hope to reach our modest goal of $400. Give STL Day, hosted by the St. Louis Community Foundation, is a 24-hour, online day-of-giving, designed to ignite the spirit of giving across the region. Since its inception in 2014, Give STL Day has raised over $17 million for more than 900 regional nonprofits. Give STL Day allows us to continue to raise funds and awareness about Night to Shine through a broader audience. Although Give STL Day is May 6th, early giving starts on April 5. Please consider doing one or both of these things:

  1. Give to Night to Shine through Give STL Day. You can do this by going to www.givestlday.org/standrewsumc.
  2. Share your gift or the link for giving on your social media platforms. Help us spread the word about the good work we do with Night to Shine. The more people who support the event, the more sustainable the ministry becomes!

Visit www.givestlday.org/standrewsumc for additional details, and don’t forget to give to ensure our beloved community continues to thrive!