College Ministry Update

After a year of uncertainty due to Coronavirus, our college students are approaching the time for their final exams for the spring of 2021. Their finals begin April 26-May 19. Please remember them in your thoughts and prayers as they take their finals and finish as unsettling school year.

  • Lauren Nuckols – University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  • Austin Kingsland – University of Missouri
  • Alec Huffman-Jefferson College
  • Areena Smith-Missouri State University
  • Karleigh Faust – Missouri S&T
  • Meaghan Faust – Central Methodist University
  • Sarra Faust – Illinois College
  • Lily Courtois – Fontbonne
  • Maggie Deaton – University of Missouri
  • Grant Fauth – University of Utah, Salt Lake City
  • Sara Robinson – Missouri S&T