Rainbow Network

For several years now, we have supported a student through the Rainbow Network. We just received a new student!

Here’s a little bit that Enyel shared:

My name is Enyel and I am from La Concha. I live with my parents and three older siblings. My mom works on a nearby peanut farm, earning $70 per month. Our community has various farms where most of the people work. We have a primary school and an evangelical church. In my free time I listen to music and study.

I travel 2 km to school with dreams of becoming a doctor and helping my community. Education is very important to me because it makes us a respectable person. I want to help support my family. Without my scholarship through Rainbow Network I would not be able to continue studying.

Thank you for your continued support of this ministry. If you’d like to contribute to the Rainbow Network or one of our other mission or ministry opportunities, please do not hesitate to contact the church office.