- 4th-Mary Alice Weber
- 8th-Barbara Hoelzel
- 10th-Lily Courtois
- 13th-Jackie Brown
- 16th-Marvin Jinkerson & David Loucks
- 17th-Kent Graves
- 18th-Judy Doyle, Clayton Parkin, & Barbara Duncan
- 19th-Jim Foster
- 21st-Alec Huffman
- 23rd-Jack Robinson
- 26th-Becky Bradford
- 28th-Joe Bean & Will Weber
- 30th-Greg Schellert & Areena Smith
- 15th-Bob and Bryanna Alexander
- 27th-Richard and Norma Bell
- 27th-Padre and Darlene Payne
- 29th-Charles and Debby Campbell