Just Checking In

Please register your attendance!

Think back…way back to when we met in-person in the Sanctuary. You remember the place: pretty stained glass, red pew cushions, blue carpet, huge cross hanging from the ceiling. In those very same cushioned pews were small attendance forms where we asked you to sign in; register your attendance. Some people did, some didn’t. The reality is that those attendance numbers are still important, and to help substantiate the number of people worshipping online, we’ve set up a way for you to “register your attendance”, so to speak. It is a simple check-in form. It allows you to say, “present” even though we don’t call roll…yet.

The form is simple, and it takes mere moments. We ask your name and who is worshipping with you. There’s a longer Connect Card if you’re new to St. Andrew’s, and that gives us a little more information and how we might connect with you. You can find the check-in form and a link to the Connect Card here.

Please register your attendance!