Ways to Worship

St. Andrew’s offers a multitude of ways for you to worship.


You can attend in-person on Sundays at 10:30 am as long as the county COVID-19 indicator is yellow or green. Announcements about the color indicator normally arrive in your inbox on Thursdays, after the Jefferson County Health Department finalizes and makes public the statistics from the previous week. If you don’t receive these email announcements, please sign up here.


If you are unable to worship with us online or in-person, you can also consider requesting a recording of the service. The CDs can be recorded and delivered on Mondays or Tuesdays. Please contact the church to request your copy.


Online worship is available each Sunday at 10:30 am. You can locate the service on YouTube, Facebook, or our website. For everyone who worships online, the general consensus is that the best part is the dress code! You can worship with muddy shoes two minutes after tending your garden or in your bathrobe with a steaming cup of coffee.


If you live within a few blocks of church, you can also tune into 106.9 FM at 10:30 am on Sundays. All directions are not equal, so please contact the church if you’d like to test the strength at your house prior to a Sunday morning.